I was walking through target the other day and saw these super cute napkin rings! I instantly pictured them on the end of curtain rods, so I decided to make my own!
What You’ll Need:
Large Dowel Rod (They have them in the moulding section of Home Depot. Ours happened to be out of stock so I found them on the Closet organization isle!)

I had been eyeing these curtains from Anthro for months and finally decided to order them when I saw them go on sale!
I bought two packs of genuine leather from Michaels. I linked some longer strips from Amazon below which may work better, but I was ready to tackle this project so I used what my local store had!
I cut the leather into strips and sewed them together to make them longer. I had never sewn leather before but my sewing machine did great with it!

I waited for Brett to get home to help me hang the straps. I chose to hang them from the ceiling rather than the wall so that the curtains wouldn’t be smooshed against the wall and would hang a couple of inches away from the windows.
We predrilled holes through the leather and then used drywall screws with washers so they wouldn’t pull on the leather. We did two screws per strap for extra support and stability!

Then we slid the large dowel rods on, and looped the curtains on!

I planned to attach the napkin rings to the ends but for now they are just sitting on there ha! I may glue them eventually but no one can reach up there to touch them anyway!

I did the math and each complete curtain rod came out to $41 each. They are 6 feet long so I think this is a great deal for something unique and I just love projects that you can get done from start to finish in one day!
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Click HERE for a tutorial on how we hung our Serena & Lily hanging chair.