If you’ve been around for a little while, I’m sure you have heard me talk about something I found at Homegoods or followed along on my stories on Instagram for a Homegoods ‘shop with me’! I love taking my readers along and sharing the things I loved in the store that day! It is by far my favorite store and the place that I have the most success, but there are a few strategies I use to help me have the most luck out of my visits! I’ve been to almost every Homegoods in Houston and luckily the one that is 10 minutes from my house is a great one! But if the one closest to you doesn’t seem to ever be stocked well, it is worth the drive!
This is the most helpful and most important tip! Go often! Homegoods’ restocks constantly, so they may have a whole new selection of furniture/decor even 2-3 days after you went in! People probably think I’m crazy, but I usually go at least once a week, sometimes twice. Its like a new store every time and thats why it is so fun! If you are looking for something specific, don’t give up because they may have it next week! Another perk of going often is you will get to see things before the good stuff is picked over!
The very best time to go to Homegoods is a weekday morning (excluding Monday), even better if you can be there right when the doors open.. (thats usually not until 9:30 so you don’t have to be out the door too early haha!). They restock all day long, but if you get there first thing in the morning they will have new stuff out that no one has even seen yet and you will get first dibs! Weekends are crowded and picked over at Homegoods, but I know if you work 8-5 M-F, it may not be an option to go on a weekday morning. If you have to go on a Saturday, get there when they open!
The good stuff goes soooo fast at Homegoods! Ive made the mistake far too many times of passing something up I really wanted/needed and going back for it a couple days later.. GONE! If it’s good, it won’t last, so one of the most important things to remember when shopping is ‘buy it now, think about it later!’ They make returns super easy, just keep your receipt. If it’s a throw pillow you love but you’re just not sure it will look right on your bed, TAKE IT HOME and try it!! It will be gone by the time you think about it.
I had my eye on this and after weeks of seeing it in store, it went on clearance for $50 off! I couldn’t resist. It was meant to be! Stuff like this usually disappears so quickly at Homegoods and rarely ends up on clearance!
If you go into Homegoods looking for something really specific, like a pink velvet and gold bench, you will most likely not have any luck and will leave angry thinking they never have what you need. Homegoods is a place to go often and go openminded. If you’re looking for a category of something like, vases, baskets or picture frames you will almost always find something that will work! You just may not have much success if you are only looking for a coffee table, they may not have any that day!
Homegoods is full of every style imaginable when it comes to home decor so when you come across that super rustic entry way bench, or floral bedspread, it’s a good idea to ask yourself “does this fit my style?” If the answer is no, I would recommend putting it down and walking away. It would be easy to end up with 5 different items with 5 different styles in your cart if you don’t stay on track. I love so many blogger’s homes that are rustic/farmhouse or boho but I try to stick to things that I know I love and want to see in my home. Personally I love neutrals, texture and accents with pastels so thats what my eyes are scanning for as I walk down the isles.
The TV stand, round gold mirror, throw pillows, coffee table tray, candle, lamp and probably more were all from Homegoods!
I hope this was helpful, and apologies in advance to your husbands if you become a Homegoods addict like me 😉 Don’t forget to follow along on Instagram! I love sharing my favorites when I go on my weekly shopping trips. And did you know about TJMAXX.com!? (affiliate link) You can find lots of the same home decor sold at Homegoods on there! Happy Shopping!
He’s such a good sport and goes to Homegoods with me so often, but this day he was not too excited to be stuck in a cart. 😉 nothing a few goldfish couldn’t fix!