I know, its old news now. But I am just getting around to adding all the details of our move down the street to the blog!

If you haven’t heard yet, we are closing soon on a house just down the street, that is ON THE LAKE. I am so excited I could cry. We can’t wait for new projects and to make it ours. The biggest perk, besides being on the lake, is that we will be right next door to my parents! There is a small trail through the trees between us. Talk about a HUGE blessing!!!

So how did we get here?? We started looking at houses last Summer just for fun. We even put in an offer on a fixer upper, which thankfully fell through. Meanwhile, I would be sitting on my parents’ back porch watching this beautiful home just across the trees being built. We finally decided to walk through it and I almost cried when I walked up the stairs. I had this immediate gut feeling that it was OURS. Fast forward a few months and now we are about to move in!!!

We happened to have potential buyers reach out during this time that said they wanted to buy our current home if we were still planning on selling! It was so important to me to have buyers that really wanted and appreciated what hard work and love we had put into it.
Let’s talk about the new house!! We signed the contract on it a little late in the game so we weren’t able to choose all of the finishes. It has been a little frustrating to watch them install things we don’t love, but ultimately I am just excited to move in and make it ours either way! We were able to change the flooring to something we LOVE and a couple of other things. The house sits right on Lake Houston, with a fenced in backyard and has bald eagles that fly over everyday. (Have I mentioned how excited I am to become a bird watcher in this house!? ha!)

That’s my Dad’s dock!!
Writing another post all about our plans for the house and details of things that are going in! You can read that HERE. Make sure to follow along on Instagram for more behind the scenes of the move and projects @thebloomingnest!